Giving directions on the island is a bit different than the mainland. There are no street names here. This is fine for the Samoans. They grew up here, they know every street, alley and back road on the island from since they were children. As a person who's been here all of three weeks, I'm at a severe disadvantage compared to them. Directions here need to be in narrative form, starting with well know land marks and guiding you from there. A paragraph that reads like "Turn right at the white wall with blue accents that after the curve to the left" is what you have to follow to reach someone's house. Following directions takes on a whole new element of complexity when they read more like a list of local features instead of a connecting set of street names. Following the half a page of instructions I wrote down, I got to the seller's house and got to see the truck.
On the test drive, took advantage of the seller and made him be my captive guide. This way I got to see the truck and a few back roads along the way. I discovered the village of Ottoville and found the beverage distributor for island is located there and is willing to sell to the public. I might need to follow up on that next time I throw a party. I also got to see how the truck handles in the water, since Lake Ottoville formed in the middle of a low-lying section of road from the runoff from the rainstorms earlier in the day.
The truck seemed good. It was an older Toyota pickup. The truck reminded me of the old GMC my father owned for 20 years. It was simple, like I like; no electronics amenities, a non-functional stereo, and an unworking AC (though it may just need a freon charge). It's a manual transmission, which might not be the best for island driving. The max speed limit on the island is 25 mph and the road usually is clogged with slow cars and drivers. The constant stop and start nature of the driving here would be a test while using a stick. But as a veteran manual drive, I like to think I'd be up to the challenge. There was a little rust on the body, but on this island everything steel gets that way soon. If the car's still available on Tuesday Sara and I may be heading over to pick it up (or at least get her opinion of it).

The harbor is one of the biggest resources Tutuila has. It's one of the few places that larger ships can land in this part of the Pacific. It's what makes Tutuila one of the more populous areas in this region. Supposedly the harbor is the remains of an old volcano cone. One side eventually eroded into the ocean and left a nice natural harbor in it's wake.
It was nice to play tourist for once. I've been seeing these sights everyday on my commute into the office, but I was happy to spend a rainy morning stopping to snap some pictures of the coastline and waves. I'll need to take some better pictures when the light is better and I've got a better camera than my old cellphone. The scenery around here is definitely worth sharing.
After playing tourist is was back to shopping around for the things I need to get the house up and running. Another attorney with the AG's office, who arrived on island a week ago, joined me for a run to the Ace hardware, the fabric store and a sewing shop.
The Ace hardware here is closer to a Home Depot back home. It's a large warehouse that sells most all the tools and hardware used on island. It was bustling when we were there. I even ran into one of my opposing counsels (who was wearing leather Ugg slippers, when it's 88 degrees and 100% humidity) shopping with one of his clients I have a case against, I'd also met this client on the hike to Fagatele Bay my first weekend here. The criminal AG I came with also saw one of the people that she charged with a misdemeanor on Thursday. I'm still adjusting to how small the community is here.
After Ace we went to ask a sewing shop about having curtains made. It was almost a sweatshop, with 10 little Chinese ladies huddled over their sewing machines. We got a price quoted and were told to go purchase the fabric and they'd have our custom window coverings in a few days. The fabric store was great. It had a huge wall with nothing but Hawaiian print fabric. It was tough to decide which bright color combination of flowers and leaves was going to grace my house for the next two years. Selections made, we took our materials back to the sewing shop. Should have our curtains ready on Tuesday.
We got invited to another gathering Saturday night by a neighbor of ours. It was at the house of an Australian couple out on Coconut Point. CP is one of the few communities close to Pago harbor to keep a more traditional Samoan feel rather than the suburbs-lite feel that seems to have crept into most other local villages. The houses are all clustered along one dirt road that run the length of the peninsula that divides ocean from lagoon. Most homes have traditional open-sided fales in their front yards, with a modern cinder block house behind it. People gather and hang out in the fales and keep their possessions in the modern buildings. The home we were visiting was down near the end, looking out over the ocean.
The gathering was mellow. We hung out on a covered front porch, drinking Stienlagers and talking. For most of the evening there were more Aussies than Americans at the table, even picked up a Kiwi later in the evening. I didn't know the rivalry between the New Zealanders and Australians ran as deep as it does. A little back and forth ribbing ensued, but everyone was a good sport and it was some great hang outs overall.

It took some pushing and shoving, but we were eventually able to pile enough rocks under the wheel to drive the car out. We were glad not to have to call for a tow of our work car. Somehow that would surely get back to our boss.
Truck good