Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rocks for Dogs

I had one of those "You're not Kansas anymore" moments last night. I was gathering fist sized rocks from the road behind my house, after dark, in the rain while drinking a 750mL of Stienlager.

Why you may ask. The wild dogs have been actively having a turf war in the trees behind my house. I get woken up most nights to the snarls and yelps of dogs battling for the pathways hidden in the tropical overgrowth between the dumpsters of our housing complex. Some nights this will happen three or four times while I try and sleep. Needless to say this is making my acclimatizing to the new time zone particularly difficult.

Asking the other residents of my housing complex for suggested solutions, I received the advice that the best way to dissuade the wild dogs from hanging out is to throw rocks at them (that seemed the better option than feeding them poisoned food suggestion I received). You don't even need to hit the dogs, just let them know that they are not wanted and give them reason to pause before choosing to use the paths near your house.

Under mainland circumstances I take a much different approach to animals. I'm a vegetarian on animal cruelty grounds. I got my dog, Tucker, as a rescue. But at a certain point I need to sleep to dawn, even at the expense of my mainland morals.

Thus yesterday I was out in the rain after getting home from work, gathering rocks that will get the attention of the dogs, enjoying a beer while it was raining. Definitely not how I would have spent an evening as of two weeks ago in California.

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